01/10/2018 - Project Blog (week 2)
Over the week I have thought more on my Ideas and have decided to attempt either Idea 3 or 4 as I feel that these will allow me the most creative flexibility and for me to try and further improve my skills. I am mostly drawn towards Idea 3 as I have a few ideas of what I would like to try and implement and work towards as it will contain areas I am not fully comfortable with but have a slight idea on, this includes ideas such as scenery creation, character creation, automation and animation and possibly even including background music et.
Idea 3: Create a single player game (possible ideas: Lone survivor type game, Puzzle game, spell caster?) This would incorporate ideas from other projects such as 3d design and games design but would expand them further. This game could be based on numerous current games and could potentially have aspects incorporated into it from other areas. This is something I have attempted similarly before but I have not done to this scale.
(previous example of game created for HND all of this was created in game with assets created by myself)
Idea 4: A created scene using models created by myself and containing at least one character and a large variety of items used in order to create said scene. (could be expanded into a small video) If created into a small video the areas created would be fairly large in size as to not make the video too boring and repetitive for the viewer. This is something I would feel quite comfortable with as I quite enjoy making backgrounds and I could potentially make a fairly large and engaging setting.
If I was to create a game or scenery it would be more based on the design aspects rather than the actual game play. A good game which I am thinking of as an example is a game called “The witness” which is a large puzzle game with a lot of walking and relaxing settings in the background.
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