Project so far

Part of the map design

Another area of the map design

First maze of the map

Corner pond also added into the map
Part of the terrain design used for road within the map

Robot character, either going to be interactive or a player model, Haven't decided upon this yet

Decorative piece or a piece added to third maze which will attack/chase character on sight pushing them out of the maze, This will add a more challenging element to the game if implemented. 

background music I am going to incorporate into the game, Of course credit will go to the original artists. This piece of music has been created in cohesion with sound therapists and is known as one of the most relaxing pieces of music in the world which fits in with the style I am going for. 

Maze design 2, this has an animation involved into it which moves a wall side to side blocking and redirecting the player. 

stamina bar I had worked on which decreases over time to allow for character sprinting to be limited. 


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